Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Fact History Of India

The history of India is ane of the grand epics of world history too tin live best described inwards the words of India's starting fourth dimension Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru equally "a parcel of contradictions held together past times potent but invisible threads". Indian history tin live characterized equally a run inwards progress, a continuous procedure of reinvention that tin eventually evidence elusive for those seeking to grasp its essential character.

The history of this astonishing sub continent dates dorsum to almost 75000 years agone when the evidence of human activeness of Homo sapiens. The Indus Valley Civilization which thrived inwards the northwestern constituent of the Indian subcontinent from 3300- 1300 BCE was the starting fourth dimension major civilization inwards India.

Following is the history of Bharat through the Ages:

The Pre Historic Era

   1. The Stone Age:
      The Stone Age began 500,000 to 200,000 years agone too recent finds inwards Tamil Nadu (at C. 75000 years ago, earlier too after the explosion of the Toba Volcano) betoken the presence of the starting fourth dimension anatomically humans inwards the area. Tools crafted past times proto-humans that involve keep been dated dorsum to 2 ane one m thousand years involve keep been discovered inwards the Northwestern constituent of the country.

   2. The Bronze Age:
      The Bronze Age inwards the Indian subcontinent dates dorsum to to a greater extent than or less 3300 BCE amongst the early on Indus Valley Civilization. Historically constituent of ancient India, it is ane of the world's earliest, urban civilizations, along amongst Mesopotamia too Ancient Egypt. Inhabitants of this era developed novel techniques inwards metallurgy too handicraft too produced copper, bronze, Pb too tin.

Early Historic Period

   1. Vedic Period:
      The Vedic Period is distinguished past times the Indo-Aryan civilization which was associated amongst the texts of Vedas, sacred to Hindus, too that were orally composed inwards Vedic Sanskrit. The Vedas are some of the oldest extant texts, side past times side to those inwards Arab Republic of Egypt too Mesopotamia. The Vedic era inwards the subcontinent lasted from virtually 1500-500 BCE, laying downwardly the foundation of Hinduism too other cultural dimensions of early on Indian society. The Aryans set downwardly Vedic civilization all over North India, specially inwards the Gangetic Plain.

   2. Mahajanapadas:
      This catamenia saw the minute major rising inwards urbanization inwards Bharat after the Indus valley Civilization. The give-and-take "maha" agency peachy too the give-and-take "janapada" agency foothold of a tribe. In the later Vedic Age a number of little kingdoms or urban heart too mortal states had mushroomed across the subcontinent too also detect advert inwards early on Buddhist too Jain literature equally far dorsum equally 1000 BCE. By 500 BCE, 16 "republics" or Mahajanapadas has been established, namely; Kasi, Kosala, Anga, Magadha, Vajji (or Vriji),Malla, Chedi, Vatsa (or Vamsa), Kuru, Panchala, Matsya, Surasena, Assaka, Avanti,Gandhara, too Kamboja.

          * Western Farsi too Greek Conquests:
            Much of the Northwest subcontinent (currently Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan too Pakistan) came nether the principle of the Western Farsi Achaemenid Empire inwards C. 520 BCE nether the principle of Darius the Great too remained so for 2 centuries. In 326 BCE, Alexander the Great conquered Asia Minor too the Achaemenid Empire, when he reached the Northwest frontier of the Indian subcontinent he defeated King Porus too conquered most of Punjab.

          * Maurya Empire:
            The Maurya Empire, ruled past times the Mauryan Dynasty from 322-185 BCE was a geographically extensive too mighty political too armed services empire inwards ancient India, established inwards the subcontinent past times Chandragupta Maurya inwards Magadha (present 24-hour interval Bihar) too was it farther thrived nether Ashoka the Great.

   3. The Mughal Empire:
      In 1526, Babur, a descendant of Timur too Gengis Kahn from Fergana Valler (present 24-hour interval Uzbekistan) swept across the Khyber Pass too established the Mughal Empire which covered modern 24-hour interval Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bharat too Bangladesh. The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent till 1600; after which it went into turn down after 1707 too was finally defeated during India's starting fourth dimension state of war of Independence inwards 1857.

   4. Colonial Era:
      From the 16th century, European powers such equally Portugal, Netherlands, French Republic too the Britain established trading posts inwards India. Later, they took wages of internal conflicts too established colonies inwards the country.

   5. The British Rule:
      The British Rule inwards Bharat began amongst the coming of the British East Bharat Company inwards 1600 too continued till Indian independence from British principle inwards 1947.

   6. The Indian Independence Movement too Mahatma Gandhi:
      In the 20th century Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people inwards a national displace of non-violent civil disobedience to comprise independence from the British.

   7. Independence too Partition:
      Religious tension betwixt the Hindus too Muslims had been brewing over the years, especially inwards provinces similar Punjab too Bengal. The Muslims were a minority too they did non experience secure inwards the prospect of an alone Hindu authorities too thence made them wary of independence. All through this Mahatama Gandhi called for unity amidst the 2 religious groups. The British, whose economic scheme had been weakened after World War 2, decided to larn out Bharat too participated inwards the formation of an interim government. The British Indian territories gained independence inwards 1947, after existence partitioned into the Union of Bharat too the Dominion of Pakistan.

History of Bharat . An overview : The people of Bharat involve keep had a continuous civilization since 2500 B.C., when the inhabitants of the Indus River valley developed an urban civilization based on commerce too sustained past times agricultural trade. This civilization declined to a greater extent than or less 1500 B.C., in all probability due to ecological changes.

During the minute millennium B.C., pastoral, Aryan-speaking tribes migrated from the northwest into the subcontinent. As they settled inwards the middle Ganges River valley, they adapted to antecedent cultures.

The political map of ancient too medieval Bharat was made upwardly of myriad kingdoms amongst fluctuating boundaries. In the fourth too fifth centuries A.D., northern Bharat was unified nether the Gupta Dynasty. During this period, known equally India's Golden Age, Hindu civilization too political direction reached novel heights.

Islam spread across the Indian subcontinent over a catamenia of 500 years. In the 10th too 11th centuries, Turks too Afghans invaded Bharat too established sultanates inwards Delhi. In the early on 16th century, descendants of Genghis Khan swept across the Khyber Pass too established the Mughal (Mogul) Dynasty, which lasted for 200 years. From the 11th to the 15th centuries, southern Bharat was dominated past times Hindu Chola too Vijayanagar Dynasties. During this time, the 2 systems--the prevailing Hindu too Muslim--mingled, leaving lasting cultural influences on each other.

The starting fourth dimension British outpost inwards Southern Asia was established inwards 1619 at Surat on the northwestern coast. Later inwards the century, the East Bharat Company opened permanent trading stations at Madras, Bombay, too Calcutta, each nether the protection of native rulers.

    The British expanded their influence from these footholds until, past times the 1850s, they controlled most of present-day India, Pakistan, too Bangladesh. In 1857, a rebellion inwards northward Bharat led past times mutinous Indian soldiers caused the British Parliament to transfer all political ability from the East Bharat Company to the Crown. Britain began administering most of Bharat straight patch controlling the residuum through treaties amongst local rulers.

In the belatedly 1800s, the starting fourth dimension steps were taken toward self-government inwards British Bharat amongst the appointment of Indian councilors to suggest the British viceroy too the institution of provincial councils amongst Indian members; the British later widened participation inwards legislative councils. Beginning inwards 1920, Indian leader Mohandas K. Gandhi transformed the Indian National Congress political political party into a volume displace to displace against British colonial rule. The political party used both parliamentary too nonviolent resistance too non-cooperation to accomplish independence.

On August 15, 1947, Bharat became a principle inside the Commonwealth, amongst Jawaharlal Nehru equally Prime Minister. Enmity betwixt Hindus too Muslims led the British to partition British India, creating East too West Pakistan, where in that location were Muslim majorities. Bharat became a commonwealth inside the Commonwealth after promulgating its constitution on Jan 26, 1950.

After independence, the Congress Party, the political party of Mahatma Gandhi too Jawaharlal Nehru, ruled Bharat nether the influence starting fourth dimension of Nehru too and so his miss too grandson, amongst the exception of 2 brief periods inwards the 1970s too 1980s.

Prime Minister Nehru governed Bharat until his decease inwards 1964. He was succeeded past times Lal Bahadur Shastri, who also died inwards office. In 1966, ability passed to Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977. In 1975, beset amongst deepening political too economical problems, Mrs. Gandhi declared a province of emergency too suspended many civil liberties. Seeking a mandate at the polls for her policies, she called for elections inwards 1977, but to live defeated past times Moraji Desai, who headed the Janata Party, an amalgam of 5 opposition parties.

In 1979, Desai's Government crumbled. Charan Singh formed an interim government, which was followed past times Mrs. Gandhi's supply to ability inwards Jan 1980. On Oct 31, 1984, Mrs. Gandhi was assassinated, too her son, Rajiv, was chosen past times the Congress (I)--for "Indira"--Party to convey her place. His authorities was brought downwardly inwards 1989 past times allegations of corruption too was followed past times V.P. Singh too and so Chandra Shekhar.

In the 1989 elections, although Rajiv Gandhi too Congress won to a greater extent than seats inwards the 1989 elections than whatever other unmarried party, he was unable to shape a authorities amongst a clear majority. The Janata Dal, a wedlock of opposition parties, was able to shape a authorities amongst the assist of the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on the correct too the communists on the left. This release coalition collapsed inwards Nov 1990, too the authorities was controlled for a curt catamenia past times a breakaway Janata Dal grouping supported past times Congress (I), amongst Chandra Shekhar equally Prime Minister. That alliance also collapsed, resulting inwards national elections inwards June 1991.

On May 27, 1991, patch campaigning inwards Tamil Nadu on behalf of Congress (I), Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated, evidently past times Tamil extremists from Sri Lanka. In the elections, Congress (I) won 213 parliamentary seats too pose together a coalition, returning to ability nether the leadership of P.V. Narasimha Rao. This Congress-led government, which served a total 5-year term, initiated a gradual procedure of economical liberalization too reform, which has opened the Indian economic scheme to global merchandise too investment. India's domestic politics also took novel shape, equally traditional alignments past times caste, creed, too ethnicity gave way to a plethora of small, regionally based political parties.

The lastly months of the Rao-led authorities inwards the fountain of 1996 were marred past times several major political corruption scandals, which contributed to the worst electoral performance past times the Congress Party inwards its history. The Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged from the May 1996 national elections equally the single-largest political party inwards the Lok Sabha but without plenty strength to evidence a bulk on the flooring of that Parliament. Under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the BJP coalition lasted inwards ability xiii days. With all political parties wishing to avoid some other circular of elections, a 14-party coalition led past times the Janata Dal emerged to shape a authorities known equally the United Front, nether the onetime Chief Minister of Karnataka, H.D. Deve Gowda. His authorities lasted less than a year, equally the leader of the Congress Party withdrew his back upwardly inwards March 1997. Inder Kumar Gujral replaced Deve Gowda equally the consensus selection for Prime Minister of a 16-party United Front coalition.

In Nov 1997, the Congress Party inwards Bharat in ane lawsuit again withdrew back upwardly for the United Front. New elections inwards Feb 1998 brought the BJP the largest number of seats inwards Parliament--182--but savage far curt of a majority. On March 20, 1998, the President inaugurated a BJP-led coalition authorities amongst Vajpayee in ane lawsuit again serving equally Prime Minister. On May eleven too 13, 1998, this authorities conducted a serial of undercover nuclear tests forcing the U.S.A. President Clinton to impose economical sanctions on Bharat pursuant to the 1994 Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act.

In Apr 1999, the BJP-led coalition authorities savage apart, leading to fresh elections inwards September. The National Democratic Alliance-a novel coalition led past times the BJP-gained a bulk to shape the authorities amongst Vajpayee equally Prime Minister inwards Oct 1999.


India is a Earth amongst a rich history too culture. Home to the Indus Valley civilization too a percentage of historic merchandise routes too vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified amongst its commercial too cultural wealth for much of its long history. Four major world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism too Sikhism originated here, patch Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Islam too Christianity arrived inwards the starting fourth dimension millennium AD too mingled into the region's various culture. Bharat became a modern nation-state inwards 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked past times widespread nonviolent resistance. The history of Bharat tin live divided into iv major segments, the ancient era, the medieval era, the modern era too the post-independence era.
The hallmark of Indian history dates dorsum to the rock historic catamenia amongst paintings at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka inwards Madhya Pradesh. These paintings symbolise the earliest known traces of human life inwards India. The starting fourth dimension known permanent settlements appeared over 9,000 years agone too gradually developed into the Indus Valley Civilization, dating dorsum to 3300 BCE inwards western India. It was followed past times the Vedic Civilization, which set the foundations of Hinduism too other cultural aspects of early on Indian society. From to a greater extent than or less 550 BCE, many independent kingdoms too republics known equally the Mahajanapadas were established across the country.

The empire built past times the Maurya dynasty nether Emperor Ashoka united most of Southern Asia inwards the 3rd century BCE. From 180 BCE, a serial of invasions from Central Asia followed, including those led past times the Indo-Greeks, Indo-Scythians, Indo-Parthians too Kushans inwards the north-western Indian subcontinent. From the 3rd century CE, the Gupta dynasty oversaw the catamenia referred to equally "The Golden Age" of Indian history. Among the notable South Indian empires were the Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, Hoysalas, Pallavas, Pandyas, too Cholas. Science, engineering, art, literature, astronomy, too philosophy flourished nether the patronage of these kings. Paintings at the Ajanta Caves inwards Aurangabad, Maharashtra were made inwards the sixth century.

Following invasions from Central Asia betwixt the 10th too 12th centuries, much of northward Bharat came nether the principle of the Delhi Sultanate, too later the Mughal dynasty. Mughal emperors gradually expanded their kingdoms to encompass large parts of the subcontinent. Nevertheless, several indigenous kingdoms, such equally the Vijayanagara Empire, flourished, especially inwards the south. In the seventeenth too eighteenth century, the Mughal supremacy declined too the Maratha Empire became the dominant power. From the sixteenth century, several European countries, including Portugal, Netherlands, France, too the United Kingdom, started arriving equally traders too later took wages of the fractious nature of relations betwixt the kingdoms to found colonies inwards the country.

During the starting fourth dimension one-half of the twentieth century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched past times the Indian National Congress too other political organizations. Led past times Mahatma Gandhi, too displaying commitment to ahimsa, or non-violence, millions of protesters engaged inwards volume campaigns of civil disobedience. Finally, on xv August 1947, Bharat gained independence from British rule, but was partitioned, inwards accordance to wishes of the Muslim League, along the lines of faith to exercise the Islamic nation-state of Pakistan. Three years later, on 26 Jan 1950, Bharat became a commonwealth too a novel constitution came into effect.

The history of Bharat is a mingle betwixt the East too the West. Bharat has e'er been an invader's paradise, patch at the same fourth dimension its natural isolation too magnetic religions allowed it to adjust to too absorb many of the peoples who penetrated its mount passes. No thing how many Persians, Greeks, Chinese nomads, Arabs, Portuguese, Britishers too other raiders had their way into this peachy country, many of them merged into the guild giving rising to a Earth total of diverseness inwards price of culture, religion, linguistic communication too architecture.


Bharat inwards the past times - its rulers

Different parts of Bharat involve keep dissimilar histories too legends. Indians inwards dissimilar parts of the Earth await at their past times from a dissimilar dot of sentiment than Indians inwards other parts of India. Indian history has a past times of over thousands of years. The Hindus tape their religious history at over millions of year. They believe that the world is created too destroyed every few ane one m thousand years. Religious Hindus too some Hindu historians tape their introduce history at over 7000 years. This belief is dissimilar from the accepted full general history which claims Indian history to live shorter than 5000 years.

In full general Indian history dissimilar kingdoms were established inwards dissimilar parts of India, some past times unusual invaders. The starting fourth dimension known invaders of Bharat were Aryans (also mentioned sometimes equally Indo-Aryans). It is believed that the Aryans arrived inwards northward Bharat somewhere from Islamic Republic of Iran too southern Russian Federation at to a greater extent than or less 1500 B. C. The Aryans fought too pushed the local people called Dravidians southwards. The Aryans are referred to inwards Indian history equally fair skinned people who pushed the night skinned Dravidians southwards (see also Aryans too Dravidians - a controversial issue).

The northward Indians are considered to live the descendants of the Aryans too the southward Indians are considered descendants of the Dravidians. Even today the most basic sectionalization of the Indian guild is of northward Indian Aryans too southward Indian Dravidians. But this sectionalization isn’t proper. Many Indians emigrated from ane constituent of Bharat to other parts of Bharat too non all local people of northward Bharat were pushed southwards past times the Aryans. Some stayed too served the Aryans too others moved to alive inwards the forests too the jungles of northward India. There were also other unusual immigrations too invaders who arrived mainly inwards northward India. Many Dravidians consider themselves equally master Indians too their civilization equally the master civilization of India. They also experience that their civilization is discriminated past times the northward Indians (see also Regional parties).

After the Aryans many others invaded India. Alexander the Great too other Greeks arrived inwards India. The ancient Western Farsi Empire expanded its boundaries upwardly to India. But the Western Farsi Empire similar Alexander the Great, didn’t larn inwards to the pump of introduce Bharat but to introduce 24-hour interval Islamic Republic of Pakistan too upwardly to the borders of introduce India. But in that location were other Greeks who arrived inwards Bharat too established kingdoms inwards India. Others to larn inwards in ancient Bharat were Scythians, Kushans too Huns. These invaders also established some kingdoms inwards India. At a much later catamenia in that location were Muslim invaders - Turks, Arabs, Afghans too others. And of course of report the Europeans - Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, French too English. In betwixt Indians also established their ain kingdoms too empires. These dissimilar kingdoms fought amidst themselves to expand their kingdom boundaries. But never inwards Indian history was in that location a kingdom that ruled the whole of India. These dissimilar kingdoms that were established inwards dissimilar parts inwards Bharat created dissimilar aspects of Indian history for dissimilar regions of India.

Different regions of Bharat adore dissimilar heroes too empires from India’s past. For representative people from Maharashtra inwards westward Bharat adore the Maratha Empire which was created inwards Maharashtra too ruled over large parts of Bharat inwards the 17th too 18th century. Their most respected hero is Shivaji who created the Maratha Empire. People of Tamil Nadu involve keep their ain Tamil originated heroes too empires similar the Chola Empire that ruled southward Bharat too some parts of northward Bharat betwixt the ninth to 13th century. For some catamenia the Cholas also reigned over parts of southward Asia, including Sri Lanka, too some islands straightaway parts of Malaysia too Indonesia. At other periods inwards Indian history other empires were established from Tamil Nadu amidst them the Pandya Empire too the Pallava Empire.
Two famous empires from Bihar inwards north-east Bharat were Gupta too Maurya Empires, which ruled most of northward Bharat too large parts of southward India. One of the Mauryan Emperors, Asoka, had mayhap the largest Indian Empire which covered almost the whole of introduce India. The Maurya Empire existed somewere betwixt fourth century B. C. till 1st century B. C. The Gupta Empire existed betwixt fourth century A. D. till seventh century A. D.
There were many other empires which were established at dissimilar periods inwards dissimilar parts of Bharat too reigned over large parts of India. In southward Bharat the Vijayanagar Empire was established inwards the 14th century. In fundamental Bharat the Bahmani Empire was also established inwards the 14th century. Alongside amongst the empires, in that location were also little kingdoms which ruled on little parts of India. In introduce 24-hour interval Rajasthan in that location were many such kingdoms too their rulers belonged to the Rajput caste. The Rajputs fifty-fifty today symbolize the warrior castes of India. These kingdoms sometimes were completely independent too at other times acted equally autonomies of bigger empires. Some of these kingdoms came into existence after a collapse of bigger empire too sometimes after a mutiny inwards a bigger empire. The Bahmani Empire broke upwardly into 5 kingdoms. The world famous Moghul Empire from the Delhi-Agra percentage collapsed into many little kingdoms too into Maratha Empire.

The Moghuls are mayhap the most famous of the Indian Empires which ever existed. At their pinnacle they controlled the whole of northward India, introduce 24-hour interval Islamic Republic of Pakistan too large parts of southward India. In their empire they had many kings too rulers who were subjected to them. In westward India, in that location were many local rulers who were subjected to the Moghul Empire. These rulers of West Bharat were called Maratha (or Maharatha). Till the Moghul Empire, dissimilar Maratha rulers acted sometimes equally independent rulers too at other times subjected to dissimilar larger kingdoms or empires including the Moghuls.

When Aurangzeb attained the Moghul throne, the empire began its starting fourth dimension pace towards collapsing. Aurangzeb was a religious too fanatic Muslim. He tried to enforce Islam too Islamic police pull on his citizens. As a final result the Marathas nether the leadership of Shivaji revolted too declared independence. Shivaji was also nominated emperor of the Marathas. The Marathas enlarged their empire past times taking command over to a greater extent than Moghul territories too other rulers territories.

After Shivaji’s decease inwards 1680 the Maratha people had lot of interior crisis. Sometimes the dissimilar Maratha parties acted equally ane ability too at other times equally separate independent powers sometimes fighting each other. After Aurengzeb’s decease inwards 1707 the Moghuls started collapsing into separate independent kingdoms fifty-fifty though in that location was e'er a acting Moghul Emperor. In this catamenia of chaos inwards the Moghul too Maratha empires, some European powers – English, French, Dutch, Danish too Portuguese - began controlling Indian territories.

Among these European powers the Portuguese arrived starting fourth dimension inwards Bharat inwards 1498 via ocean after they had circled the whole of the African continent. The Portuguese had to circle the whole of African continent because inwards those days the Muslim Ottoman Empire of Turkey which ruled the middle eastward caused lots of problems to European Christian merchants who tried to overstep through their land. Therefore the Europeans tried to detect other routes to gain India. Columbus tried to larn to Bharat patch sailing westwards from Europe. Columbus presumed that because the world is circular he would eventually larn to Bharat patch sailing westwards, instead he found the continent of America whose existence was non known too so to the Europeans. Columbus idea that he had arrived inwards Bharat too called the natives Indians.

The Europeans came to Bharat because of commercial reasons. The Indian sub-continent was too so world famous for its spices. Local rulers leased to the Europeans, Earth so that they could gear upwardly factories. Later on the Europeans got permits from local leaders to gear upwardly forts to a greater extent than or less their factories. The Europeans too so established forces to protect their interests. The side past times side pace of the European was occupying Indian Earth amongst these armies too so ane of the European powers, the British, became the rulers of India.

The British command of Bharat was a final result of several factors. The Portuguese who along amongst their work organisation tried to enforce Roman Catholicism on Indian(including the Syrian Christians) were defeated past times local rulers sometimes inwards collaboration amongst Protestant European powers. But yet the Portuguese remained inwards Bharat amongst little pockets. Their primary pump inwards Bharat was Goa. The Dutch too the Danes left Bharat for their reasons. The 2 primary European powers that remained inwards Bharat were British too French. These 2 powers tried dissimilar ways to command Bharat too to defeat each other.

The kingdoms of India, especially inwards northward India, sought amongst the collapse of the Moghul Empire, patronage of some other Empire. The French too the British both tried to fill upwardly this place. The British succeeded to a greater extent than than the French inwards convincing the local leaders. But non all Indian rulers were interested inwards British patronage or British principle on Indian soil. The Sikhs inwards northward India, Marathas rulers inwards westward Bharat too kingdom of Mysore inwards southward Bharat were amidst those who opposed the British rule.

The British succeeded inwards defeating the Indian rulers (some of whom got also French assistance against the British) too became the rulers of India. But the French similar the Portuguese remained inwards Bharat amongst little pockets too both these powers remained inwards Bharat fifty-fifty after the British left Bharat inwards 1947.

The British ruled Bharat via 2 administrative systems. One was ‘Provinces’ too the other ‘Princely States’. Provinces were British territories completely nether British control. Princely U.S.A. were states inwards British Bharat amongst local ruler or Rex amongst honorary titles similar Maharaja, Raja, Maharana, Rana, Nizam, Badshah too other titles important Rex or ruler inwards dissimilar Indian languages. These rulers were subjected to the British Empire.

During India’s independence inwards 1947 in that location were 562 Princely U.S.A. too eleven Provinc

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